Articles tagged with: Pope

Pope in Sarajevo Signs 666

So the “Pope” goes to Sarajevo and the signs have hidden 666.


Here is one of the banners/signs that was made for the visit from Pope Francis. Seems harmless enough?

Well, one has to look closer to see the hidden imagery that is being presented to you. No one chooses an image to present to the public without meaning.
An image is after all worth a thousand words.

Pay attention to the images being presented to you, beware of what these images are saying! You can view more of these images from the Twitter Feed:


Pope Benedict doing the devil’s horns (FALSE)

Pope Benedict doing the devil’s horns…this is a deception!

You may have seen this picture used and reused across the internet where it looks like Pope Benedict is giving the sign of the devil’s horns.  But a closer look shows a deception!

f you look closely at his left hand, you will see a trace of a black under garment just behind his wrist but on his right hand it does not show.