Articles Written By: Joao

About Joao

I am a simple Catholic man married with six children. Just trying to finish the race without getting disqualified...

Off Of The Bone Ribs In Oven

Babyback Ribs

Off Of The Bone Ribs In Oven

My recipe for cooking in oven instead of BBQ for off of the bone goodness!
For this one I used pork babyback ribs, but you can use beef ribs as well.
Why slave over a BBQ for hours, when you could be sitting on the couch
with a beer perusing YouTube videos?

Total cook time, about 4 hours.

The Question No Catholic Can Answer Me!

The question no Catholic can answer me, would you like to try?

It is as clear as crystal that the Catholic Church is disintegrating from within ever since Vatican II. You can see these two videos for reference: My Fellow Catholics and Catholic Church Statistics 2014

As a quick recap, in 1969 Pope Paul VI instituted the new Rite of Mass or the Novus Ordo as it is known in the Church. By the end of 1970 Priests, Nuns and every other religious were leaving their vocation in droves. The laity stopped going to Mass, this is what the “Crisis In the Church” refers to. It is so bad that in the US, we now,  in 2015, have less Churches than in 1965.

So why did changing the Rite Of Mass have such a profoundly negative effect? Because of this change, the world was tossed into chaos!

On July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI gave his motu propio SUMMORUM POTIFICUM in which Pope Benedict XVI clearly states that the Traditional Latin Mass “was never officially abrogated”.


SO HERE IS THE QUESTION: If for 400 years, the Traditional Latin Mass was

Pope in Sarajevo Signs 666

So the “Pope” goes to Sarajevo and the signs have hidden 666.


Here is one of the banners/signs that was made for the visit from Pope Francis. Seems harmless enough?

Well, one has to look closer to see the hidden imagery that is being presented to you. No one chooses an image to present to the public without meaning.
An image is after all worth a thousand words.

Pay attention to the images being presented to you, beware of what these images are saying! You can view more of these images from the Twitter Feed:
