Pope Benedict doing the devil’s horns (FALSE)

Pope Benedict doing the devil’s horns…this is a deception!

You may have seen this picture used and reused across the internet where it looks like Pope Benedict is giving the sign of the devil’s horns.  But a closer look shows a deception!

f you look closely at his left hand, you will see a trace of a black under garment just behind his wrist but on his right hand it does not show.

The Jewish Sabbath and Catholics

The Jewish Sabbath,

The Sabbath - Sundown to Sunday

Sundown to Sunday


An overview/meditation on the Jewish Sabbath and how it relates to the Christian life, especially to the Catholic Christian. What is the Sabbath, why we need to know the Sabbath and yet as Christians are no longer bound by it. Yet, it  is still valid for the some Jews but not for Christians. Very Scripturally based and includes a copy of John Paul II Apostolic Letter; Dies Domini (The Lords Day)

Peace Sign is anti-Catholic

“Peace Symbol”

There has always been something about the ever so popular “peace sign”, that looks somewhat like an upside down cross, that rubbed me the wrong way. I think the reason I always found it to be deficient in some way was in the way that most people espouse “peace” while using it, which is anything but! After all, “you shall know them by their fruit”!

It was only while looking through an old pocket size Missal from 1942 that it hit me like the V8 vegetable commercial, it is an Anti-Catholic symbol!