Articles Written By: Joao

About Joao

I am a simple Catholic man married with six children. Just trying to finish the race without getting disqualified...

Disabling the screensaver on Ubuntu 14.04 (caffeine)

Disabling the screensaver on Ubuntu 14.04


System Settings

In Ubuntu Linux for some years there has been a great little utility to disable/enable the screensaver called caffeine. In the latest version the developer decided to remove the applet altogether from the tray. The application basically works in the background and detects if an application is in full screen or not.

But as seen in this discussion here there are many of us that relied on that simple way of manually turning on and off the screensaver quickly. The developer is unwilling to revert back to the previous functionality, which he/she is entitled to do so. I have found a round about way to supplement the current functionality of caffeine by using custom keyboard shortcuts.

There are two drawbacks to this method;

  1. The screensaver does not revert back to on upon reboot (may be a desired functionality for some use cases)
  2. There is still no indicator to tell you if it is disabled or not


Floral Arrangement at Popes’ Canonization – Masonic Symbol?


Floral arrangement at Popes’ Canonization – Masonic Symbol?

When I first saw this image of the floral arrangement at the foot of the Alter during the Canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII on April 27th, 2014,  I could not help but to see the indisputable Masonic image of a point within a circle. This was very disturbing, and who ever took this photo clearly knew what it was. Now you may ask, isn’t the obelisk in the center of St. Peter’s Square a Masonic symbol? I don’t believe so, the obelisk has been there for hundreds of years even before the Masons formalized in 1717. What makes me wonder is if Masons took up the symbol as an anti-Catholic symbol because of the obelisk in the center of the square?

At any rate, most of this is just conjecture but the undeniable image of the point within a circle is very clear.

Mason Symbol

A Most Diabolical Disorientation

St Peter Keys


Pope Paul VI Sister Lucy

A Most Diabolical Disorientation

The Disobedience of the Catholic Church


A most diabolical disorientation indeed! This is what Sister Lucia referred when confronted about all of the changes in the in the Church in the late Sixties early Seventies;

“With so many changes going on in the Church since Vatican II, faithful Catholics and friends reported to Sister Lucy, strange activities of various clergymen, bishops and priests. The Catholic faithful knew that something was wrong. And so they asked Sister Lucy for her advice on this. She explained that it is diabolical disorientation. The devil is behind it, she said, and the devil has misled many people, surprisingly even bishops and Cardinals; and although she has not said it, maybe even the Pope himself.” (Taken from the Summer, 2006 Issue, THE FATIMA CRUSADER)

Linux Mount External Drives at Login

File Manager

Linux, mount external drives at login!

I recently solved an issue that has plagued me for a while in using Linux and external drives. I have a 1TB drive partitioned in  two with both using EXT4. Every time I plug in the drive, it is mounted and works fine. When I reboot, the drive and partitions are recognized but they are not mounted. I need them mounted so that my backup will function automatically.